Welcome to our new site!
N I S H K A M I - A Statement Piece of Culture has curated a virtual sacred space to provide you with the latest and greatest news and updates with our brand. With 'NISHKAMI Speaks!', we look forward to engaging you in our third eye activism journey, Ankara fashion, lifestyle and more! We want to share everything behind the scenes and keep you up to date with new arrivals and sales. But, most importantly, we want to connect with you!

A year ago, we created a DIY website which has propelled us to where we are today. We can safely say that we're making a statement in our community, providing Queens with a platform to adorn their third eye with culturally astute adornments. We've managed to become a high end brand in the process but we're still open and accessible to you.
With your love and support, we have grown at such an accelerated rate no one can fathom us only being one year old. So with that being said or written actually, a massive GIVE THANKS to all the Queens who has witnessed us from thought to fruition. We appreciate you!
Follow us as we continue this journey and don’t forget to provide feedback so we can better serve you.