NISHKAMI Reversible Mask
The BindiGirl Collection Just Dropped!! Nishkami Exclusives Are Restocked & NEW Selections Are Available. We Know You're Your Third Eye Has Been Waiting!! Shop Like A Goddess With Code BINDIBAE Exp 05/14/23 11:59PM EST
Reversible and washable.
Filter sewn in
Wash your hands for 20 seconds before removing the mask.
Can be sprayed with Lysol Disinfectant Spray.
One mask will be donated to Long Island Jewish Medical Center with every purchase.
CAUTION This mask is NOT rated for disease control. The CDC has provided the following information regarding homemade face masks: The role of face masks is for patient source control, to reduce contamination of the surrounding area when a person coughs or sneezes. When professional face masks are not available, hospital personnel might use homemade masks for care of patients with COVID 19 as a last resort.